Items Collection Events
Like the Folders collection object, the Items collection object gives you a great deal of control over what happens in folders and with the items contained within folders. You can use the Items collection events to respond to message created, changed, and deleted events. The Items collection does not have a timer event like the Exchange Event Service does, although you can readily construct a timer-based COM Add-in with a Visual Basic Timer control or Windows API calls. Unlike the Exchange 5.5 Event Service or Exchange 2000 event sinks, Items collection events do not provide server-based scalability and process isolation. Exchange 2000 offers the additional benefit of supporting both synchronous and asynchronous events for event sinks.
The following table compares the Exchange 5.5 Event Service, the Exchange 2000 event sinks, and a Visual Basic COM Add-in that uses Items collection object events.
Feature | Exchange 5.5 Event Service | Exchange 2000 Event Sink | COM Add-In |
Development language
Visual Basic or Visual C++
Visual Basic, Visual C++, or any other development tool for an ActiveX DLL
Object binding
Early-bound with proper declaration of variables
Variable types
Variant only
All supported types
All supported types
Process location
Error Logging
Windows NT Event Service
Windows NT Event Service
Error log on client must be created by developer
The ItemAdd event occurs when an item is added to an Items collection object, either through user action or program code. The following example creates an Items collection object for an Exchange public folder named Customers that contains Contact items. When a new customer is added to the Customers folder, a message is sent to a distribution list for the correct regional sales team. This example requires another event procedure in order to instantiate the collection object for the Customers folder. So that you can better understand the code, each of these event procedures is listed below. See Chapter 11 for a complete listing of the OpenMAPIFolder function.
'Place these declarations in the general section of Class module Public WithEvents colCustomersItems As Outlook.Items 'Instantiate collection object in objOutlook Startup event Private Sub objOutlook_Startup() Dim strFolderPath As String StrFolderPath = "Public Folders\All Public Folders\" _ & "Contact Management\Customers" Set colCustomersItems = OpenMAPIFolder(strFolderPath).Items End Sub 'This event procedure sends a message to a DL Private Sub colCustomersItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object) Dim objContactItem As Outlook.ContactItem Dim objMsgItem As Outlook.MailItem Set objContactItem = Item If objContactItem.MessageClass = "IPM.Contact.Customer" Then Select Case objContactItem.BusinessAddressState Case "CA", "NV", "WA", "OR", "AZ", "NM", "ID" strDL = "Sales Team West" Case "IL", "OH", "NE", "MN", "IA", "IN", "WI" strDL = "Sales Team Midwest" Case "ME", "NH", "NY", "NJ", "MD", "PA", "RI", "CT", "MA" strDL = "Sales Team East" Case Else strDL = "Sales Team National" End Select Set objMsgItem = objOutlook.CreateItem(olMailItem) objMsgItem.Subject = "New Customer - " & _ objContactItem.CompanyName objMsgItem.Save objMsgItem.Attachments.Add objContactItem, olByValue 'Must use trusted COM Add-in to prevent OM guard prompts objMsgItem.To = strDL objMsgItem.Send End If
The ItemChange event occurs when an item in an Items collection object is changed, either by user action or program code. Continuing the example of the Customers folder described earlier, the following code writes a record to a SQL Server 7 database when an item changes in the Customers public folder. The StrClean function in the following procedure removes single quotes that could cause an error when the SQL statement executes:
Private Sub colCustomersItems_ItemChange(ByVal Item As Object) Dim objCont As Outlook.ContactItem Dim strSQL As String Const strSep = "','" Dim conDB As New ADODB.Connection Set objCont = Item If objCont.MessageClass <> "IPM.Contact.Customer" Then Exit Sub End If On Error GoTo AddContact_Error conDB.Open "Nwind", "sa", "" strSQL = "Insert Customers Values ('" strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.Account & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.CompanyName) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.FullName) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.JobTitle) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.BusinessAddress) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.BusinessAddressCity) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.BusinessAddressState) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.BusinessAddressPostalCode) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.BusinessAddressCountry) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.BusinessTelephoneNumber) & strSep strSQL = strSQL & StrClean(objCont.BusinessFaxNumber) & "')" conDB.Execute strSQL conDB.Close AddContact_Exit: Exit Sub AddContact_Error: Utility.ErrorTrap 'Writes error to event log or file Resume AddContact_Exit End Sub
The ItemRemove event occurs when an item is removed from a specified Items collection object, either through user action or programmatically. The following example expands on the FolderRemove example described earlier to show how to undelete an item programmatically. This example undeletes a custom form with a message class of IPM.Post.ContactSettings if a user deletes the item from the Settings subfolder of the Inbox.
'Place these declarations in the general section of ThisOutlookSession Public WithEvents colDeletedItems As Outlook.Items Public WithEvents colSettingsItems As Outlook.Items Public blnDeleteItem As Boolean Private Sub Application_Startup() Set objNS = Application.GetNameSpace("MAPI") Set colSettingsItems = _ objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Settings") Set colDeletedItems = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderDeletedItems).Items End Sub Private Sub colSettingsItems_ItemRemove() blnDeleteItem = True End Sub Private Sub colDeletedItems_ItemAdd(ByVal Item As Object) If blnDeleteItem and Item.MessageClass = "IPM.Post.ContactSettings" Then Set objDestFolder = _ objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderInbox).Folders("Settings") Item.Move objDestFolder End If blnDeleteItem = False End Sub
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