OutlookBarGroup Events
The events in this section fire when an OutlookBarGroup object is added or removed, either programmatically or through a user action.
The GroupAdd event occurs after a group has been added to an Outlook Bar, either because of a user action or through program code. The following example adds shortcuts for all the members of a distribution list named Shared Calendars to a new group named Workgroup Calendars. All the members of the Shared Calendars distribution list must grant at least Reviewer permission on their calendar folders for this example to work correctly.
Private Sub colOutlookBarGroups_GroupAdd(ByVal NewGroup As OutlookBarGroup) DebugWrite "OutlookBarGroups GroupAdd " & NewGroup.Name Dim myFolder As Outlook.MAPIFolder Dim myRecip As Outlook.Recipient Dim myDL As Outlook.DistListItem On Error Resume Next Set myFolder = objNS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderContacts) Set myDL = myFolder.Items("Shared Calendars") For i = 1 To myDL.MemberCount Set myRecip = objNS.CreateRecipient(myDL.GetMember(i).Name) myRecip.Resolve If myRecip.Resolved Then Set myFolder = _ objNS.GetSharedDefaultFolder(myRecip, olFolderCalendar) End If NewGroup.Shortcuts.Add myFolder, "Calendar - " & myRecip.Name Next NewGroup.Name = "Shared Calendars" End Sub
The BeforeGroupAdd event occurs before a group is added to an Outlook Bar, either because of user action or through program code. This example prevents a user from adding groups to the Outlook Bar.
Private Sub colOutlookBarGroups_BeforeGroupAdd(Cancel As Boolean) Cancel = True End Sub
The BeforeGroupRemove event occurs before a group is removed from an Outlook Bar, either because of user action or through program code. The code in this example cancels an attempt by a user or program code to delete the Outlook Shortcuts group.
Private Sub colOutlookBarGroups_BeforeGroupRemove _ (ByVal Group As OutlookBarGroup, Cancel As Boolean) If Group.Name = "Outlook Shortcuts" Then Cancel = True End If End Sub
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