Monday, December 3, 2012

[ ] Dreamweaver CS6 New Features

 [ ] Dreamweaver CS6 New Features
This course covers the enhancements that will most affect web designers using the latest version of Adobe Dreamweaver. Author and veteran Dreamweaver user James Williamson showcases the improved FTP capabilities; the Fluid Grids feature, which gives designers a visual way to control page layout for multiple screen sizes while automatically integrating cross-browser consistency through the use of HTML5; and the CSS Transitions panel, which makes it easy to add impressive CSS-driven transitions to any element on the page through a single dialog. James also demonstrates the increased support for jQuery Mobile, CSS, and web fonts in Dreamweaver. This course is ideal for web designers who want to evaluate the software for purchase or simply brush up on all the new features.

Topics include:
  • Exploring the interface changes
  • Reviewing the FTP enhancements
  • Using the new image optimization workflows
  • Applying multiple classes
  • Applying CSS transitions
  • Taking advantage of the jQuery Mobile theme support


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